Spotlight: Sabrina Luv

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with the engaging Miss Sabrina Luv. She shared her thoughts and experiences as a FBSM provider. Sabrina was gracious enough to allow me to video record our interview. I want to thank everyone who submitted questions for this interview–this is for you.

Sabrina is an FBSM provider based in Bakersfield, California. She has been in the CTS industry for 11 years.

VSB: Why did you decide to get started in this industry?

VSB: Describe your philosophy and technique for FBSM:

VSB: You are knowledgeable about the many different aspects of this industry, but have chosen not to provide other types of services, such as escort or BDSM. In fact, you are fairly well known for the fact that you will not have sex with clients. Why have you chosen to only provide FBSM service and not have sex with any clients?

VSB: What was your first session like? Were you scared, nervous, excited? How did it go?

VSB: What has been your worst experience as a provider?

VSB: What has been your best experience in this industry?

VSB: Do you feel that FBSM-only providers, like yourself, should be considered “sex workers”?

Followers of The ValleyScott Blog were given the opportunity to submit questions for Miss Sabrina. Over 50 people did so. Many of the questions were ones that I was already going to be asking, but there were a few others that I didn’t think of.

Several people submitted questions–and compliments–about Sabrina’s looks. Others had some serious questions about how she handles specific issues.

Jake asked: I love your pictures. Your eyes always look amazing, but also seem to be different all the time. Do you wear colored contacts?

A “Lady Fan” asked about Sabrina’s looks: Sabrina, you are so beautiful. You look so exquisite in all your photos? Who does your photos? And who does your make-up for your photo shoots? What is your ancestry?

JTKirk asked: What are your thoughts on providing services to men with disabilities? Do you change or limit what you do with disabled clients?

Jimmy was curious: Why does Sabrina seem so different between her texting and in person? She is very strong and “fierce” in her texting, but warm and bubbly in person. Why the difference?

Nicole (an East Coast escort) asked: I get a lot of strange requests. Some are weird, some are silly, some can be downright insulting. What are the strangest requests you’ve ever gotten from clients? Do you ever honor any odd requests or do you reject them all?

Renee asked: I’ve read in the past where you mention having Parkinson’s Disease, but you never used it as an excuse for anything. How does your Parkinson’s affect your work?

Slyderfx asked: Who is your favorite client?

Multiple people asked very similar questions:

What is your greatest challenge as a provider?

What is your favorite aspect of what you do?

You are very adamant that you do not have sex with your clients. Does your work ever turn you on? Or do you put up a “wall” between your own sexual desires and what you do for your clients?

Where did you get the professional name “Sabrina Luv”?

VSB: Is there anything else you’d like to tell people?

I want to once again thank Miss Sabrina for doing this interview. I have had the pleasure of knowing her for a year now, and consider her not just a friend, but my best friend. I hope that these videos have given everyone a chance to see just what an amazing lady she is. I also hope that this interview will open up some closed minds and demonstrate to those that don’t understand, that sex workers are amazing people and do not deserve the scorn of society.

Miss Sabrina’s website is


The ValleyScott Blog is unable to provide any direct contact information for Miss Sabrina Luv due to legal restrictions.

I apologize for some issues with video quality and sound quality. It’s not easy doing this with almost no funding.


  1. OMG! This was awesome! Now I really regret not getting to meet Miss Sabrina before I moved to Europe.
    Sabrina, you are one really cool lady. Watching you hear was truly an eye opener for me. Thank you for answering my question about seeing disabled clients. That is just amazing that you would make a way for people like me to be able to see you. So cool!

    And when you talked about losing your long-time client—-I almost cried.

    I really hope that lots of people see this. To see what a real and honest person a “sex worker” can be. This could really be a surprise to a lot of the world.

    You rock, Sabrina!!!!

    And VS–Good job dude! I hope you do more interviews like this.


  2. This was pretty cool. Sabrina seems like a pretty fun lady. I’ve never done fbsm, but since I like amps I’d probably like it too. Neet to see a woman being honest since most escorts and stuff are usually putting on a show.


  3. Good job Valleyscott. That was very interesting. Hard to believe that she’s been doing this for 11 years without having sex with clients. But she seems really honest so I will have to take her word for it. If so that is pretty awesome that she has not compromised on what she believes. And 11 years in the business and she isn’t all jaded and cold.


    • Well,
      As I Have Stated To Many, And Many Others Like Yourself. If You Open Your Mind Just A Little Bit, To Allow Me In Just For Moment.

      I Promise You’ll Luv What I Do.
      But I Don’t Force Anyone To Come See Me Or Make Any Promises , I Just Know You Will Be So Intrigued By What I Do, It’s All That A Gentle-Man Can Hope For..
      Thank You For Taking This Moment View What I Had To Share About My Life In This Industry .
      Muah Sabrina Luv


  4. That was a great interview. I normally don’t go for FBSM, but now I’m a bit curious about the nuru experience.


    • Thank you.. Now as i mention its combine with a lot of different styles . o don’t offer the nuru service but trust me when i say . it will be a wonderful experience unlike any thing you have put your body through
      Sabrina Luv


  5. Thank you for this excellent interview VS. This glimpse into the personal life and times of one of the FBSM communities most beloved Ladies was not only informative but entertaining as well. I do however appreciate Ms. Sabrina Luv for tackling my most awkward question for her with such style and grace. See you soon! Muah


  6. Your obsession with this Jezebel named Sabrina is going to take you straight to hell. You spend so much time fixated on her that you are fading from God’s Light. HE is watching you and your WHORE. HE sees past your lies. HE knows the TRUTH about this WHORE Sabrina.
    You must both REPENT! Maybe HE will show you HIS MERCY and forgive your constant fornications. You must abandon this sick blog. You must turn away from your disease of lust.
    You are heading for HELL.


    • Hello “Watching”.
      I am very sorry that you feel such hatred towards people that you must resort to such comments. I do wish you would be civilized enough to use a real(ish) name and perhaps make use of a real email instead of using a fake one to post your comments. I usually erase your remarks, but I think I need to let other see what kind of person you are.
      You should really refrain from passing such judgement on others, especially in light of what the Bible says in Matthew: “Judge not, lest you be judged”. Maybe you’ve forgotten that verse. The Bible is, after all, a very long and complex text.
      I really don’t hold any grudge against you for speaking ill of me. But I must say that I do not appreciate you using such language towards a woman. And a friend of mine.
      Sabrina is NOT a “whore”. I’m sorry, but that word does not describe her in any way.
      You seem to be somewhat obsessed with me. That is not healthy. You should really seek some help with this. If you are so opposed to my lifestyle, why do you spend so much time reading my blog, following my IG, and looking in on Switter? That just seems like a bad place for you. It’s not doing you any good.
      You should either stop. . . Or maybe you should try spending some time with one of the many lovely ladies on Switter. They might be able to help you relax and improve your attitude and disposition. Sex is good for you. You should have some.


  7. Getting back on track ……

    This is a great blog post and it’s lovely to see Sabrina respond to the questions so honestly and earnestly. She comes across as a very lovely lady. I’ve never really considered fbsm before, but after seeing Sabrina I could be tempted to try it.


    • Hello Anon, well i would luv to put you through the experience , thays so many have gone. Its always much joy to be able to take new Gentle-Men to a new path of pleasure.
      I not sure where about you are located, So just contact Valleyscott for my info, or and recieve my info from there.


  8. Wow, what an intriguing and exquisite woman. Miss Luv, you are beautiful, funny, and amazing. I stayed up very late last night watching these videos and don’t regret it at all. This interview is now my favorite thing on Valleyscott’s blog.


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